Academic Stress Study
We invite you to participate in a lab study where we will be looking at your neural activity during different computer tasks. The two 2-hour lab visits will involve completing a survey and these computer tasks. The first lab visit will be scheduled within the first month of the semester. The second lab visit will be scheduled right after a midterm exam, ideally within two to three hours. We aim to examine the effects of stress caused by midterms on neural activity. As such, during the computer tasks, we will measure your brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG). For this, we will ask you to wear a cap that contains recording disks filled with gel, and we will need to apply the gel on your scalp. This gel is water soluble and washes off completely and easily. The EEG will only record your neural activity, it will not transmit anything into your brain -- it is painless and completely safe.
You will receive $25 for each lab visit for a total of $50.
To participate in this study you must have normal or corrected-to-normal vision. It is also necessary that you are able to comfortably answer fairly extensive questionnaires in English. We must have access to your scalp (e.g. remove wigs, hair pieces, etc.) and your hair must be dry. You must also be a undergrad student at McGill and at least 18.
Thank you very much -- without you our research would not be possible!
If interested, please contact the TRAC Lab at