Our lab is located at 2001 McGill College Avenue.
Walking Directions
If you are not driving to the lab, you can meet us in the 14th floor lobby. When you enter the building, please walk right towards elevators, and use one of the first four elevators. If you have any trouble finding the lab, please do not hesitate to contact us at this phone number: 514-265-2062 or 514-398-6136.
Driving Directions
If you are driving to the lab, we have parking passes that can be used at the following lots on McGill campus. Once you are at either of the parking lots, please give us a call at 514-265-2062 or 514-398-6136. We will come meet you and your child and give you the parking pass, which has to be placed inside the car.
Weekdays Parking Lots
Parking Lot is located at 680 Av. du President-Kennedy (parking garage)

Boulevard Robert-Bourassa
Rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Weekends Parking Lots
Parking lot is located at 2001 McGill College (parking garage). You will be reimbursed for the $8.50 parking ticket.

Rue Shebrooke Ouest
The parking entrance is located on Ave President Kennedy